Friday, August 06, 2010

blue-bundance part 2

I consolidated a couple of the buckets to make 9 instead of 11, and got the camping cooler chests and ice packs out of the basement. Finally, I had most of the berries stowed for cool storage while they waited their turn to be frozen.

I proceeded to prepare the first batch of berries for freezing. I poured them into a plastic colander and rinsed them in the sink, shaking the colander as I rinsed, and picking out leaves, stems, dried blossom bits and anything else I found. The berries were pretty clean to start with. Andy and I are good pickers.

I shook out as much of the water as I could, then poured the berries onto cookie sheets lined with parchment. The idea is to freeze the berries in a shallow layer, then pour them into freezer bags, so you can use as many or as few frozen berries as you need, when you need them. I put the pans into the big freezer in the basement, and went out to the garden. I had an idea for a nice combination. Our garden is new for us this summer, and it's doing very well in the sunniest corner of our back yard. Among many delicious things growing there, we have rhubarb!

I put together a crisp for dessert... (see part 3)

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